TOOLS - tradução para russo
Dicionário Online

TOOLS - tradução para russo

Tools; Monkey tools; Tool user; 🛠; Device (tool); Simple tool
  • A [[Bonobo]] at the [[San Diego Zoo]] "fishing" for [[termite]]s
  • Bicycle multi-tool
  • rule]].
  • Prehistoric [[stone tool]]s over 10,000 years old, found in [[Les Combarelles]] cave, France
  • An [[upholstery regulator]]


общая лексика

инструментарий, инструментальные программные средства

компиляторы со средствами оптимизации [прикладных] программ





общая лексика

Technology for Object Oriented Linking & Sharing

технология объектно-ориентированного связывания и совместного использования [информации] (фирмы Lotus)

инструментальные средства - cryptographic tools
- forcible entry tools
- hardware tools
- hash tools
- software tools


1. нижние ноты (спец.).
Брать низы.
2. В эксплуататорском обществе: непривилегированные классы и слои населения.
Революция дает свободу низам.
3. широкие массы населения.
Опираться на инциативу низов.
4. часть само основание.
Н. колонны. Уложить книги под самый н. или в самый н. (в ни жнюю часть чего-н.). Во флигеле сдается н. (нижний этаж).
5. (устар. и обл.). То же, что низовье.
Ветер дует с низов.



A tool is an object that can extend an individual's ability to modify features of the surrounding environment or help them accomplish a particular task. Although many animals use simple tools, only human beings, whose use of stone tools dates back hundreds of millennia, have been observed using tools to make other tools.

Early human tools, made of such materials as stone, bone, and wood, were used for preparation of food, hunting, manufacture of weapons, and working of materials to produce clothing and useful artifacts and crafts such as pottery, along with the construction of housing, businesses, infrastructure and transportation. The development of metalworking made additional types of tools possible. Harnessing energy sources, such as animal power, wind, or steam, allowed increasingly complex tools to produce an even larger range of items, with the Industrial Revolution marking an inflection point in the use of tools. The introduction of widespread automation in the 19th and 20th centuries allowed tools to operate with minimal human supervision, further increasing the productivity of human labor.

By extension, concepts which support systematic or investigative thought are often referred to as "tools" or as "toolkits".

Exemplos de pronúncia para TOOLS
1. tools.
How to Chain Trip _ Claire L. Evans _ Talks at Google
2. tools.
Everyone's an Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too _ Jonny Sun _ Talks at Google
3. tools.
Breakthrough Thinking - The Net and The Butterfly _ Olivia Fox & Judah Pollack _ Talks at Google
4. tools.
The Digital Marketer _ Larry Weber _ Talks at Google
5. tools.
Happy Not Perfect _ Poppy Jamie _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para TOOLS
1. Q.'4; When you talk about the tools, what sort of tools do you mean?
2. Q.В When you talk about the tools, what sort of tools do you mean?
3. It‘s about [having] the right tools." Some women like lighter tools designed for a smaller grip.
4. "These tools are not American tools, and the easy way is not the American way," McCain told the graduating class.
5. Most of the power tools were ruined, but many of the hand tools could be easily cleaned and refurbished.